
Finding your audience

A powerful way to promote brand awareness
and visibility.
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In-Page Display

Best for brand awareness, brand recall, promoting sales or discounts, and remarketing. In-Page Display ads often appear as branded digital billboards on the top and sides of webpages and link back to your website. These types of ads are a powerful way to promote brand visibility and speak directly to your targeted customers. Types include static, interactive, or rich media banner ads, native ads, and interstitials.

Banner Ads
Native Ads


Pre-roll is the fastest growing digital advertising format and is especially effective for retargeting audiences who have already interacted with your brand's site, social pages, or video channels. The advertisement is a 15 or 30-second ad that appears before a streamed video on sites such as news or YouTube. The videos are either horizontal or vertical, usually auto-play, are clearly labeled as ads, and often provide an option to be skipped.

Pre-roll video is great for telling a story, evoking emotion, or giving information through a single, concise message.

Q1Media's partnerships across the web enable you to find hyper-accurate audience data and ensures brand safety through digital media quality authentication.

Connected TV (CTV) and Over-the-Top (OTT)

Advertising through Connected TV (CTV) and Over-the-Top (OTT)  streaming services enables brands to reach a high-value audiences through services they use daily and across multiple devices. With the power to activate first-party audiences and access to over 230 third-party data partners, Q1Media connects your brand with a constantly growing audience.

  • Reach audiences with 15 or 30-second video commercials, which are non-skippable on CTV.
  • Q1Media has direct relationships with a variety of streaming services such as Disney+, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTubeTV, Peacock, Paramount Network, Vizio, and more.
  • Brands often combine CTV/OTT with webpage retargeting across other formats like Display or Pre-Roll.

Digital Audio

Digital audio connects brands with consumers through any kind of audio listened via an internet connection. By inserting ads directly into digital audio content, such as podcasts, streaming music, audiobooks, and platforms, listeners have a rotating and screen-free alternative to hear your brand’s message. With digital audio in your marketing mix, you immerse your desired audience in messaging with layered specific geographic, demographic, interest, device, and industry-based targeting.

  • Digital Audio is the second most popular digital activity for US Adults.
  • Q1Media’s audio inventory partnerships include Spotify, iHeartRadio, SoundCloud, TuneIn, and Pandora.
  • Banners are frequently available as a companion to the audio ad.

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH)

An ideal tactic for brand awareness, brand recall, and on-the-go audiences. DOOH reaches captive potential customers in public environments with non-skippable, non-intrusive, and memorable ads that have unmatched physical size. Often found as billboards or in gas stations, elevators, mall directories, airports, taxis, and more, DOOH easily scales across ad sizes and spaces.

  • The Q1Media approach enables access to premium inventory at scale, across a variety of providers, and without conflict of interest.
  • Targeting capabilities include time of day, weather, temperature, and geography.
  • DOOH advertising tactics help measure the wider impact of your advertising strategies by tying offline and online customer journeys together.
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Here’s What
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Have to Say.

Q1Media brings value and the partnership we need to win business and keep our client's media campaigns successful. We have direct access to their Account Ops team…[and] understand what is working and what isn't for our client's campaigns.
Miller Brooks
Standing out in an increasingly competitive field is a challenge. Q1Media helps us get noticed with solid advice and superb optimization…helping us meet and exceed our enrollment goals.
Central College
We always go to Q1Media with new challenges and they always deliver with tactics that can blend with our creative and overall marketing plan.
Door No. 3 Agency

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