Securing Success for One of the Largest PACs in the U.S.
Delivering victories in 24 out of 26 U.S. House and Senate elections.
Average Video Completion Rate
Impressions Delivered
Candidate Victory Rate

Our Services
Reach your audience in every corner of the nation by leveraging our 20+ years of partnerships and industry experience.
Create a cohesive and dynamic online presence that maximizes reach and resonates with your target audience to achieve measurable results.
Leverage unique strengths of each platform to reach specific audiences, enhance brand recognition, and drive conversions.
Capture immediate audience attention and drive target traffic while optimizing for sustainable organic growth. Harness the power of SEM and SEO's visual search engine to increase brand visibility and build a holistic approach.
Build custom audiences using precise polygon technology and first-party location data to target across multiple channels and optimize your unique campaign goals.
case studies
Delivering victories in 24 out of 26 U.S. House and Senate elections.
Average Video Completion Rate
Impressions Delivered
Candidate Victory Rate
Raising awareness of high-quality surgical programs and driving program adoption in hospitals.
Impressions Delivered
Active Users Driven to Client’s Microsite
Form Submissions During Campaign
Driving increased prospects for extended education programs through an enhanced SEM strategy for higher education.
Boost in Conversions
Reduction in Cost Per Click
Reduction in Cost Per Conversion
Utilizing custom first-party data and historically strong engagement data to promote APR offers for auto loans.
Average Video Completion Rate Across Platforms
Video Completion Rate on Hulu
Impressions Delivered
Increasing subscription sales and brand awareness through pre-campaign audience research and mid-campaign optimization for an e-commerce client.
Completed Video Views
Return on Ad Spend
Average Higher Spend ($300) vs Minimum Customer Spend ($180)
Accelerating customer action with full-funnel digital advertising from brand awareness to conversion
Impressions Delivered
Increase in Application Forms YoY
Increase in Website Users YoY
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